Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Marketing Musings: Batteries and Cooking Measurements...

Innovation and design are quietly emerging as the powerhouse differentiators of the early 21st century. Without great products that change the way we look at the functions they perform, you are treading water. “Me too” is perhaps a more dangerous positioning that ever given you are just a mouse click away from being overlooked.

Two recent innovations caught my eye. The first is the Black and Decker battery charger, you plug it into the lighter socket if you ever have a flat battery and it will provide the power to get you started – why didn’t I think of that comes to mind.

Seriously, every now and then a company’s willingness to solve a problem intersects with the latest technical know how and constraints resulting in a change in how we view such issues. In ten years I expect auto makers will include this thing somewhere in the chassis and it will seem weird to ever have a flat battery situation again.

The second is this Oxo Measuring Jug. Notice anything different? Rather than bend down to look at the level, it shows you from above. This is market leading, patentable innovation at its best. I love it.

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